Day after day this happens - each morning at 6AM he awakens and starts Groundhog Day all over again. Phil discovers that he can't change anything, and that nothing he does has any consequences. At first he lives only for pleasures and thrills, enjoying gluttony, armored car theft and pleasures of the flesh. But after failing to seduce Rita, Phil becomes depressed and tries several forms of suicide, all without success. And so, gradually Phil begins to change himself; he explores self-improvement - studying French, piano and ice sculpture. Next he discovers service - rescuing people from injury and death. Finally Phil realizes that what he really wants is a deep, loving relationship with Rita.
This is a wonderful story about personal growth; Danny Rubin's screenplay is wildly creative with well-crafted scenes and memorable dialog. Director Harold Ramis elicits endearing performances from Murray and MacDowell, who have good romantic chemistry, and he also gets fine supporting performances from Chris Elliott and from Stephen Tobolowsky as Ned, an old high school classmate of Phil's. If you enjoy stories about people trapped by time, like Pleasantville, you won't want to miss Groundhog Day.
Labels: comedy, fantasy, rom-com-faves, romance, space-time
Internet Movie Database
Metacritic 72/100
Tomatometer (critics=96, viewers=87)