Co-written and directed by Drake Doremus, the success of this micro-budget, independent production depends on the believability of the relationship between Anna and Jacob, and, frankly, I just didn't buy it. Felicity Jones gives an acceptable performance, but Anton Yelchin simply phones in his performance, as though he doesn't really understand his character. As a result, I felt as though I was observing their relationship dispassionately from a distance, and by the film's end I really didn't care whether or not Anna and Jacob stay together, or break up and go their separate ways. I wanted to like this film, especially since it has won several awards, but I was disappointed. [Blogger's rating: *** out of 5 stars.]
The supporting cast includes Jennifer Lawrence (Sam), Charlie Bewley (Simon), Alex Kingston (Jackie), Finola Hughes (Liz) and Oliver Muirhead (Bernard).
Labels: college, drama, romance
Internet Movie Database
Metacritic 71/100
RottenTomatoes Averages (critics=65, viewers=68)
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