However, after Clay discovers that Winter's side-to-side swimming motion risks spinal injury which could kill the dolphin, and after Sawyer meets Dr. McCarthy (Morgan Freeman) while visiting his cousin Kyle (Austin Stowell) at the local Veterans Administration hospital, the idea to fit Winter with a prosthetic tail is born.
This is a PG-rated family film, so the mood is consistently upbeat, and there's even a bothersome pelican to provide comic relief. While the concept is good, the story arc is predictable, the dialogue is trite and uninspired and the direction by Charles Martin Smith is slow and sloppy. There are too many adult stars for what is a simple children's story. Ashley Judd is underutilized and it is painful to watch Kris Kristofferson, who is way past his prime as an actor, playing Hazel's grandfather. This film will be best appreciated by younger children who are fascinated by dolphins.
Blogger's rating: *** out of 5 stars.]
Labels: drama, family
Internet Movie Database
Metacritic 64/100
RottenTomatoes Averages (critics=65, viewers=80)
Clearwater Marine Aquarium – Official Home of Winter
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