Part sensual food fest in Rome, Italy [Eat], part inner spiritual journey at an ashram in Mumbai, India [Pray], and part romance in Bali, Indonesia [Love], this is the chronicle/travelogue of one woman's search for her identity over the course of a year. Julia Roberts is perfectly cast as Elizabeth Liz Gilbert, and the supporting roles in her personal odyssey are equally well cast, especially: Billy Crudup, Viola Davis and James Franco as her husband, best friend and lover, respectively, in New York; Richard Jenkins as her friend at the ashram in Mumbai, and Javier Bardem as her lover in Bali.
The cinematography is gorgeous and the music is gentle and evocative. The special features on the DVD will enhance your understanding of the film as well as of the film-making process, and I encourage you to watch them after viewing the movie. I should caution you that professional film critics have not been kind to this film, and you may want to read one or two reviews first. Regardless, this film and Liz Gilbert's book from which the film's screenplay was written have touched a great many hearts and minds.
Labels: adventure, biography, cross-cultural, drama, food, romance
Internet Movie Database
Metacritic 50/100
RottenTomatoes Averages (critics=51, viewers=60)
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Gilbert
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